So here are pages I've added to provide my perspective on some tech-relevant topics ... hopefully fairly current
Call for a moratorium on Feral AI technology May 2023
My Obituary - sort of, op-ed on AI (April 2023) and a call for regulation (by Google's CEO)
Two Essays created by Large Language Model AI's: Social Media and Democracy and the Impact of AI on Peer Review
Some thoughts about the IEEE/ISO POSIX work and remembering Donn Terry
Think More, Click Less to Thwart AI Manipulation, Union Leader OpEd, March 2022 [Text here]
Says Who?, Union Leader Letter focusing on foreign agendas on social media and reader skepticism , Nov. 2021
We ignore the power of Big Tech at our peril, Union Leader Letter, Sept. 2021
Testimony to the NH House committee on town broadband options (5/2021)
Union Leader April 2021 OpEd on the need for town broadband strategies
Testimony to the NH House Committee on forming a broadband study committee (Feb 2021)
Union Leader Jan 2021 OpEd focusing on the value of Tech Professionals and subsequent article on IEEE
A 21st Century Tech Challenge: Net Persuasion (Oct 2020)
A list of AI, Social Media and related resources is here on my site
$19.84 Sept 2020 commentary on 25 Ways of looking at AI
Chips and security --- some of the challenges related to "out of country" chip creation
Predictive Fiction -- how can we anticipate future problems before they happen?
I also served as a primary blogger for the Society on Social Implications of Technology, and those posts can be found at: