Magic resources: TED and more
Topic Index
Topic Index
- Memes - things that get imitated, ideas, actions, jokes,
- Consciousness - what does it mean to be human?
- Augmented Reality - overlays on what we perceive to create greater insight
- Augmented Humanity - doing things that make us better - hearing, sight -- able to leap tall buildings ...l
- Singularity and intelligent machines
- Immortality
- The Magic Continues
- The nature and role of Science
- Genetic Engineering
- Quantum Mechanics
- Happiness and being "in the zone"
- High Impact possibilities - things identified by Scientific American that might happen, and if so ...
- The world is changing (you may have noticed)
- See “Did you know”
- for some painful insight.
- feedback from creator/school teacher Karl Fisch:
- and version 4.0 created in 2009 by the Economist tells variation on the story
- And what will change everything? the 2009 "edge" question
- Memes – the concept, of a concept -- the Second Replicator
- Books
- Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene (identifies the gene's impact as a replicator, defines meme's as a potential second one)
- Susan Blackmore: The Meme Machine
- Susan Blackmore on Memes and Memeitics
- Daniel Dennett – Dangerous Memes
- Seth Godin - Tribes we lead (spreading memes)
- Diane Benscoter on cults and viral memes -- exMoonie and brainwashing/intervention
- Deb Roy --Birth of a word -> Starts by tracking development of language in his own child, but then looks at how the tools can track propagation of ideas from media into cyber-sphere
- Mark Pagel - How Language Changed Humanity
- A few questions to consider
- What memes are currently being spread? Political? Nationalistic? Religious?
- What makes a meme "sticky"? Is it easier if the meme is "true" or "false"?
- How does the Nashua Telegraph "truth meter" affect perceptions about referenced memes? (or other credibility tests)
- Books
- Consciousness and what is it to be human?
- Books & Articles:
- Ian Steward & Jack Cohen: Figments of Reality; related keynote from Jack:
- Brian Christian; The Most Human Human
- Jeff Hawkins: On Intelligence
- Douglas Hofstadter & Daniel Dennett, The mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
- (a delightful collection of short stories in this area, touches on augmented humanity, reality and AI as well)
- TED:
- Jeff Hawkins – Brains (But also see Brian Christian on YouTube below)
- Daniel Dennett – consciousness
- Michael Pollan - the plant/animal view of humanity
- Jill Bolte taylor, Stroke of insight
- Other resources
- Brian Christian on you tube: 10 minutes
- Nova Now: Emergence:
- Entangled Life; Discover Magazine; Feb. 2009 (Quantum physics & consciousness)
- Of Two Minds; Discover Magazine; Dec. 2010 (evolution of consciousness)
- A few questions to consider:
- Is consciousness a grey scale? Perhaps with humans at one end, bacteria at another?
- What are the relevant "stages"? -- self awareness, empathy (other awareness),
- If we encounter alien intelligence, how might we determine if it is conscious? (or intelligent?)
- Books & Articles:
- Augmented reality
- Books & Articles
- IEEE Spectrum article (free) on AR:
- Mind out of Body; Scientific American; Feb. 2011
- Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology
- in India:
- in US w/MIT's Pattie Maes
- Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps Blaise Aguera, Augmented Reality Maps and virtual presence
- Other resources
- PBS Parents, Augmented reality as our children's future:
- A few questions to consider:
- Augmenting reality is a layer, presumably external, that provides layers of 'story' or information beyond our default senses
- What are potential educational or entertainment uses of "overlaying" reality with an additional layer?
- Books & Articles
- Augmented humanity
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Greg Stock - To Upgrade is Human,
- Eythor Bender - Human exoskeletons - wearable robots
- Paul Root Wolpe - Bio-engineering and ethics (selection, alter env., intentional evolution)
- Chris Abani - reflecting my humanity back at me,
- Anthony Atala - Growing organs;
- Kevin Stone - Joint replacement;
- Ed Boyden - A Light Switch for Neurons:
- Other resources
- 3-D printers for creating human organs U.Iowa prototype
- A few questions to consider:
- Augmented people are ones with technically enhanced senses - from hearing aids and glasses to implants of many kinds.
- Where is the boundary between augmented reality and augmented humanity? Hearing beyond traditional ranges, seeing in infra-red ... to goggles that provide even more.
- Books & Articles:
- Intelligent, Conscious Computers, and the Singularity -- the next replicator?
- Books & articles:
- Ray Kurzweil: Spiritual Machines
- The Coming Technological Singularity (1993), Vernor Vinge
- Artificial Brain Development; Discover Magazine, Oct. 2009
- The Omnipotence Machines; Scientific American; Dec. 2009
- The Rise of Robo Scientists; Scientific American, Jan. 2011
- Ray Kurzweil: The Singularity University, and How Technology will Transform Us
- also:
- Cynthia Breazeal - Personal Robots - Kismet, emoting robot
- David Brooks - The social animal - interpenetration as essence of being human
- Juan Enriquez; the ultimate reboot (with some initial critique on the economy – but keep watching!)
- Other Resources
- Watson on Jeopardy; Feb. 2011
- A few questions to consider:
- Will machines/computers ever be "intelligent" or "conscious" -- if not, why not?
- How would we know when machines "awake"? What might they do?
- Books & articles:
- Practical Immortality & Trans-humanism
- Books
- Ben Bova: Immortality: How Science Is Extending Your Life Span and Changing the World
- Ray Kurzweil : Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever
- Vernor Vinge: “Vinge on the Singularity” (short article on the web)
- Back from the Brink; Discover Magazine; March 2011
- 2045 The Year Man Becomes Immortal; Time Magazine (cover article); 21 Feb. 2011
- Why Can't We Live Forever?; Scientific American; Sept. 2010
- Live Long and Prosper; Discover Magazine; Oct. 2010
- The Healing Power Within; Discover Magazine, July 2011 (pixie dust)
- Harvey Finberg - Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?
- Aubey de ; Grey – Defeating Aging
- Hery Markham, modeling the human brain
- Greg Petsko – Neurological impact of extended lifespan (even without immortality)
- But also see many of the TED items related to agumented humanity, and Greg Stock "to upgrade is human"
- Other
- NovaNow composite on Netflix: Can We Live Forever? segments on search "live forever" see Immortality Gene (FOXO) portion at
- Future Med program at the Singularity University:
- The Quest for Immortality; 60 Minutes, CBS News; 2006
- Nova Science Now on Aging :
- A few questions to consider:
- Will life extension be limited to the rich? To folks in a given country?
- What things would you suggest be included in Humanity 2.0?
- Books
- The Magic Continues -- additional topics, summary views, etc
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Gregory Stock; BioEthics – To Upgrade is Human
- What does Technology Want? - A book by Kevin Kelly, and touched on in two TED videos:
- Kevin Kelly, Evolution of Technology
- (2009)
- Books & Articles:
- The nature and role of Science
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Richard Dawkins – Our universe is queerer than you can imagine:
- Cliff Stoll, "on everything" --- Cliff identified a KGB cyber-break-in targeting SDI, documented in "The Cuckoo's Egg" ... he is (good) crazy, I've had the chance to hear him in person, and on TED he is no less impressive. After 10 minutes telling you what he is not going to tell you (quite funny), then showing you what he did come show (how to measure the speed of sound) , he closes with high impact from the bells of Berkeley (which is hard for a Stanford grad to admit)
- Kevin Kelly, on How Technology Evolves (later spiel above) (2005)
- Tim Hartford - trial and error -- expert analysis (God Complex) vs try a lot of things and evolve better approaches.
- we really don't know many of the answers - if we admit this and test many alternatives, feeling our way towards improvements
- Diana Laufenberg - learning from mistakes -- Experiential learning; enable the kids own voice;
- Kathryn Schulz, on being wrong -- embrace being wrong, it's the right thing to do (Fallgor ergo sum)
- Books & Articles:
- Global Impact
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Hans Rosling animating the way we view global transitions
- Statistics you have to see
- The rise of Asia
- Let my dataset change your mind
- and 5 or 6 more ... HIV, Poverty, why the washing machine is the greatest invention ....
- list
- Books & Articles:
- Genetic Engineering
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Jack Horner - Making a dinosaur from a chicken -- think Genetic Engineering, not science fair skeleton project
- Books & Articles:
- Quantum Mechanics
- Books & Articles:
- list
- TED:
- Arron O'Conner making sense of a quantum object
- Other resources
- What the Bleep do we know? A semi-documentary film on quantum theory and how it (might) relate to religion, free will, and other topics on the right side of the brain (as opposed to the left side which does analytical thinking.)
- Books & Articles:
- Happiness and being in the Zone
- Books & Articles:
- Michaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow
- Richard Layard: Happiness : Lessons from a new science
- Your Brain on Music; Discover Magazine; May 2011
- TED:
- Michaly Csikszentmihalyi --
- Nancy Etcoff – Happiness and why we want it
- Matthieu Richard – meditation & mind control
- Dan Gilbert, Synthetic Happiness
- Other resources
- Richard Layard’s happiness lectures:
- What is happiness? Are we getting happier? –
- Income and happiness: rethinking economic policy--
- How can we make a happier society? --
- Richard Layard’s happiness lectures:
- Books & Articles:
- High Impact Possibilities
- 12 Events That Will Change Everything; Scientific American; June 2010
- Cloning of a human - likely by 2050
- Extra dimensions - 50/50
- Signal from Outer Space - unlikely
- Nuclear Exchange - unlikely
- Synthetic life - almost certain
- Room Temperature Superconductors - 50/50
- Machine self-awareness - likely
- Polar Meltdown - likely
- The "big one" - California Earthquake - almost certain
- Fusion Energy - very unlikely
- Asteroid Collision - unlikely
- Deadly Pandemic - 50/50
- What Comes Next?; Scientific American; Sept. 2010
- The Age of Digital Entanglement - human/computer dependency
- Life Designed to Order
- Era of Infinite Storage
- An Answer to the Riddle of Consciousness
- The Obsolescence of Oil
- Energy that Doesn't Harm Your Health
- A New Window of Human Origins - DNA
- Medicine I Can Call My Own
- The Next Revolution in Farming
- A few additions from Jim:
- A colony on Mars (my candidate: China)
- Eugenics Renascence- test for the best; or just a few minor tweaks
- 12 Events That Will Change Everything; Scientific American; June 2010